Well, I turned 6 months old yesterday. Mommy kept saying she couldn't believe it. It was a pretty good day, except for the shots at the doctors office. I got over it pretty quick though and went back to play with my friends at daycare. I weighed in at just over 19 pounds and measured 28 inches long.
Since my last post I've learned how to sit up on my own and I cut another tooth. I started fruits last night- bananas. I didn't like them as much as my carrots. It looks like I'm going to be more like my daddy and like veggies and not like mommy who likes anything sweet. The doctor said I can try finger food and start with a sippy cup. I don't really know what finger food is, I always have food on my hands when eating and try to put it in my mouth, but I guess it is something different than that. Mommy put a sippy cup on my tray last night. I'm not really sure what it is for, other than to grab hold of and bang it to make noise, or drop it on the floor and watch mommy pick it up. I must admit dropping things and watching someone pick
them up is my new favorite game.
The weather has been really nice the past couple days, so we've been out taking walks. I even ate my dinner on the deck the other night. My best friend Riley really likes to be around me during dinner time....
Papa Chicken and Grandma Bonk came to visit last weekend and brought my Easter basket. I got an Easter Chicken! It plays the chicken dance music and dances. Now I have someone to do the chicken dance with whenever I want! Thanks PC & GB. Afterwards mommy took me to BW3 to be with daddy while he had to work for the Crew game. What a great place- there are TVs everywhere!
I've graduated to taking my baths in the big tub. We tried taking my infant b
ath tub and converting it to a seat, but that didn't work out so well. Now I just sit in the big tub with mommy or daddy holding me. It's great- I can splash and kick as much as I want and the toys....I love playing with all my bath toys and there is a lot more room in the big tub. I was supposed to get a bath last night since Grandma and Grandpa are coming to visit tonight, but I wormed my out of it. It was a long day and I was tired.
Have a good weekend everybody and Happy Birthday Uncle Seth!
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