Monday, January 2, 2012

Post-Christmas, Pre-New Year

Daddy is off this week.  Mom has to work Wednesday - Friday, but this is her last week of work!

Monday- On Monday we were brave and went out shopping.  In the afternoon I went to Hogan's house and Chase played lacrosse with mom and dad.

Tuesday- On Tuesday Grandma and Papa came down to see what we got for Christmas.  We all went out to the movies to see the Muppets.  After the movie we gave them their presents.

Later Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle Jack came for dinner.  Uncle Jack stayed with us because he had to fly back to NY the next day.  Dad and Uncle Jack got his old Sega video game working for us :)

Wednesday- Mom had to go back to work.  Dad actually had to go work the basketball game as well, so Cousin Alex came over to watch us.  We were VERY wild, but we all survived.

Thursday- On Thursday we went to the Y with Dad.  Afterwards we went to get some popcorn for mom to surprise her.  We surprised her with an office visit and we went out to lunch.  That night mom and dad took us to see the Globetrotters! We had a blast!

Friday- On Friday mom had her last day of work.  Thankfully she got to leave early and Chase and I were so excited when she got home!  That night I got to spend the night at Hogan's.

That is how we filled our time between Christmas and New Year's Eve!

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