Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Ready for Christmas

I think we're officially ready for Christmas!!!! Chase and I can hardly wait!

On Saturday we went to get our tree. I'm taking credit for picking such a beautiful tree.
After our naps we decorated it and daddy helped us put the train up. We could sit and watch it for hours.... ok, minutes.

On Sunday we got snow! Mommy took us out to play it in it for a little while in the afternoon. It was really cold out, so we didn't stay long. Our poor penguin however, probably thought it was too long as he was getting pelted with snowballs. We also got mommy with a few.

It has been really cold here, so we've been bundling up to stay warm.
Chase and I each have a our school parties on Friday and then we only have three days of school next week. We're SO excited!

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