I know it's been a long time, so I hope you have a few minutes to read (and see) what we've been up to over the last few months.
First of all, Grandma made us these awesome Batman and Robin capes. Riley even has one too!
I no longer like to be called Mason- it's 'Batman Mason.'
For Grandpa's birthday, we went to Young's Jersey Dairy. We had a lot of fun seeing the animals, playing in the kids tent, riding the tractor and of course eating ice cream!
Later that month, Uncle Jack left for the big city. Before leaving for NY, he came over for dinner. As always, Chase and I had fun playing with him, we sure do miss him!
Can you believe we got to go see Thomas?! Thanks to GG (she sent mommy the ad from the paper) we not only got to see Thomas, but we got to take a ride on Thomas! It was great, we got tattoos, watched a video, colored and even got our picture taken with Thomas. We also got to pick out a toy to take home and eat ice cream! I don't know what mommy and daddy were thinking when they let us get a train whistle. It's now and outside toy, but it's still a lot of fun.
On Labor Day, we went to the race track with Grandma and Grandpa. I got to go on another pony ride. My pony was named 'Shorty.' I had fun watching all of the horses race by. I even got to bet on the last race. Can you believe my yellow horse won? Well, he came in second and I overheard Grandma say something about money. My ears perked up and I dragged daddy to go get my money. Mommy couldn't believe I came back with a fist full of money. I won almost $19! I wasn't shy about telling everyone I won 'Big Monies!'
Mommy and daddy have been working a lot and mommy had knee surgery, so Chase and I are trying to hold the fort down. As you can see, we've been having a lot of fun!
Uncle Seth is home for a visit, so we had him up for dinner. We got to make cupcakes with icing and sprinkles! It was super fun!
After dinner and dessert we went upstairs and made my crib into a big boy bed. I really like my big boy bed and have been doing good staying in it so far. Chase likes it too, but mommy said there is NO way he would stay in a bed :)
GG Sent us some pumpkins that she grew in her garden. We got to paint them last weekend. Chase was all messy, and I think he even ate some paint!
After we were done painting out pumpkins, daddy made a fire outside and we ate dinner outside! We had fun eating our hot dogs around the fire. After dinner, we read our books outside before heading up to bed.
I went to have my 3yr pictures taken last week. Mommy keeps saying she can't believe I'm 3. I don't know what the big deal is- I'm ready to party!
Here are a few videos- enjoy!