Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Visiting Chunk

I was a world traveler this weekend. Well, at least a state traveler. Saturday morning mommy and daddy loaded me up and off to Cleveland we went. The trip wasn't too bad, but then again I slept the whole time. I got to play with Papa and Grandma and see a bunch of my relatives. My big cousin Austin held me and even fed me a bottle. My cousin Paige tried to teach me how to roll over, but I still haven't mastered it yet. I'm very close, but can't get everything to roll in the same direction at the same time.

The next morning I got to experience my first 'Fun Cake.' Papa is famous for these and made one in the shape of an 'M' just for me. After breakfast Papa and I played with all the toys in the basement. I got pretty tired, so I took a nap with Grandma. We then loaded up and headed back home. Riley was very excited to see us. After another short nap, Grandma and Grandpa came over to visit and watch the Super Bowl. Mommy and daddy were cheering for different teams as usual. I was more into hanging out with my grandparents, but I did like the commercials. I was hoping to stay up past my bedtime, but when the clock struck 9, mommy and daddy made me go to sleep even though the game wasn't over. I showed them, as I woke up at 4 am and stayed awake all morning. I got to take a nap at daycare, but mommy and daddy looked pretty tired last night.

I get to see Mackenzie this weekend. I'm so excited! I've been working on a special Valentine just for her....

1 comment:

Ryan, Liza, AC, Paige said...

Austin and Paige had so much fun playing with their new cousin. Liza is so sad that she could not visit, but it was nice for her to have a 4 hour nap! Hopefully we will all be able to visit with Mason (and Eric and Sarah, too) soon.