Sunday, January 21, 2007

Chunk of Snow

Late last night, while I was fast asleep, the skies opened up and let down some white flakey stuff. As a result, it was a slow ride to church this morning. Afterwards, I had to wait in the car while daddy cleaned the white stuff off of the windows and wipers. Mommy stayed in the car with me (boy, she's smart).

Later, mommy thought we should capture my first experience with this stuff they call "snow" by taking a picture (or two). Riley decided, reluctantly, to join us.

It was pretty cold out there. Good thing mommy bundled me up. Daddy said I reminded him of Papa - who's known to be a "freeze baby" - wearing all of those clothes.


Anonymous said...

He is so cute! As you guys have found out, responding to everyone's email is ineeficeint. I am hoping this minimizes the work of keeping in touch with a million people.

Gramps said...

Get that boy some shoes! It's cold out there. CDBITL