Sunday Daddy had his big race and he did Great! Papa, Grandma, Grandma, Grandpa, mommy, Chase, Reagan and I all went to cheer him on. It was his first Triathlon and he's been training really hard. First he had to swim. We couldn't really tell which one he was, but we cheered on all the swimmers.
Next, he had to bike. While he was biking we made sand castles with Grandpa. We had enough time to make 3 sand houses.
We made it back over to the bike area to watch daddy come back from his ride and get ready to run. While we were waiting we ran our own races.
When daddy came to the end we cheered him on through the finish line.
After he finished we gave daddy big hugs and told him congratulations. He even let us wear his medal and race number.
We thought the race looked so fun we tried on daddy's swim caps......
..... and tried out his bike.
Later that afternoon we cooled off in the sprinkler with our friends.
Congratulations Daddy- you did Great!