Monday, March 29, 2010

Palm Sunday

Yesterday was Palm Sunday and at church all of the kids walk into 'big' church waving palm branches. Can you believe Chase and I were part of the parade? I don't think mommy and daddy thought we would do it, but we did!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

2yr Stats

I went to the doctor yesterday for my two year check-up. Can you believe I weigh 31 pounds and am 35 1/4 inches tall? The doctor said I was definitely growing!

I had to get a shot, but it wasn't too bad- I didn't even cry!

After we left the doctor's office, mommy took me for a special treat- ice cream! It was very yummy!!!

Have a good weekend & Go Bucks!!!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Easter Bush

Mason and I have started getting ready for the Easter Bunny! We put our eggs out on Sunday so the Easter Bunny knows where to stop. Mason tells me the Easter Bunny brings candy, so I'm super excited!

We've been enjoying the nice weather and running energy off outside. I'm so glad I got a bike for my birthday, so I can try and keep up with Mason!

Camp Out

Can you believe we had a camp out in our own house? Mommy and daddy said we could have popcorn and movie night and sleep in the loft. We ended up not bringing in my tent and just slept in our sleeping bags. We had fun watching Toy Story and eating popcorn. After the movie it 'only' took an hour for mommy and daddy to get us both asleep. When then both promptly woke up at 5am despite moving the clocks ahead that night! I think the camp out was rough on the parents!

We hope everyone had a great St. Patrick's Day! Chase and I had a lot of fun wearing green and making green things. We ate green applesauce at school and for dinner we had green milk and green pancakes!


Spring? Could it be true? All of the snow has FINALLY melted and we've even been able to go outside and ride bikes!

Mommy and daddy have been watching a lot of basketball lately! Chase and I don't mind though, we play basketball every night before bed and I take turns being Evan Turner or David Lighty from the Buckeyes.

We even got to go to Lowe's and build our own basketball hoops! Hopefully the Buckeyes keep winning- Go Bucks!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Birthday Celebration

Can you believe Mickey Mouse called me on my birthday?!!! He told me a funny story about Goofy making a cake with flowers instead of flour. He then said he hoped I had a Great birthday!

After my call we ate dinner and then had cupcakes! Mason, mommy and daddy sang happy birthday to me and I blew out my candles.

After cupcakes I got open my presents. Mason bought me a Cars ball and mommy and daddy bought me some new PJs, a new chair and a dancing Mickey.

Just when I thought the fun was over, daddy brought in one last present..............

......a bike!!!

I have had lots of fun riding it around the house. Mommy said it's supposed to be nice out this weekend, so I hope we can go outside and ride.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Happy Birthday Chase!

Happy Birthday Chase!!!!!!
Can you believe Chase is 2 today? Mommy keeps saying she can't believe it. Chase and I are both really excited about his party on Saturday! It is going to be a big Mickey Mouse celebration!

Mommy and daddy let Chase open one present this morning and I even let him borrow my Mickey Mouse T-shirt. Maybe now that he is two, I'll even let him start posting some blogs.

Check back later, as we are having a special dinner, cupcakes and presents tonight.

Happy Birthday little buddy!