Friday, August 24, 2007

Chunk's Big Announcement......

................I'm going to be a Big Brother!

I'm glad mommy and daddy finally let me make the announcement- the secret has been so hard to keep!
We're all excited that in March the Olsavsky family will be expanding. I hope cousin Jacob doesn't mind sharing his birthday.
I can't wait to meet my new brother or sister and teach him/her everything I know. Mommy said it will be like having one of my friends from daycare live with us all the time- how exciting!
Have a good weekend everyone.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I got my hair cut last night! Mommy and daddy took me to a place where they had a slide inside to play on. I got to sit in a race car and watch Baby Einstein while the lady cut my hair. I sat pretty still and mommy and daddy said I looked very handsome. When we got home, mommy and daddy made me dinner and gave me my own fork. I would pick up the food and put it on the fork, but had a hard time getting it to stay while I brought it to my mouth.

Now that I'm getting older, I've been trying to help out a little. I have fun helping mommy water the flowers. I also help with the laundry by throwing everything out of the basket. When there is an empty basket, daddy gives me race car rides.

Much to mommy's delight I finally said 'ma ma' over the weekend. After months of being called da da, she was happy.

I got my ear plugs from cousin Meg a few weeks ago and they're great. I don't really mind them too much and I get to go swimming again. Mommy and daddy are getting ready to sign me up for swimming lessons, so I've been practicing in the back yard.

I've been trying to take a few steps and it's led to some bumps and bruises. I cut my eye at daycare, but it wasn't too bad. I can stand on my own now and even rock onto my toes and clap while standing. Mommy said I'll be walking in no time. For now, I prefer speed crawling.
Have a good week.